Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mustaches start growing on Tuesday, April 1st

April fools? You be the judge of that. On Tuesday, April 1st a handful of the boldest paddlers from around the globe will show off their freshly shaven faces in hopes of becoming the next Mustache King.

Competitors start off skin to wind in hopes of having the finest stache on the planet two months from now, when the contest ends.

IR, the industry's leading kayak gear company, has put up the title sponsorship this year, setting the bar way up high. 1st Place wins IR's drysuit! People will do ridiculous things for an IR drysuit. Wait and see. Among the other prizes we have an Aquabound carbon 4 piece breakdown paddle, Shred Ready helmets, Mion shoes, Zeal Optics sunglasses, some Astral Buoyancy stuff. We also have a feed to for our blog, so you can keep up with the hairiness here or there, whatever makes you happy.

Go to to see all the details.

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