Monday, July 28, 2008

King Me!

Today is a sad day for me. It marks my final post in this year's Mustache King competition. I wish the contest would run year round so I could go on more adventures with my 'stache. But alas, all good things must come to an end and that end has come.

Questing Part 4: The challenge - 1. Kayaking 2. With an Animal 3. Playing a Board Game. So I figured, why not combine all three? It took me a few days to work out the logistics and I think these photos capture the essence of the quest. It was quite a challenge to find a life sized rabbit that was willing to get in a kayak AND play a game of checkers at the same time. (A special thank you to Danny Doran, the fuzzy bunny). I won't say who won the game but it was easily the most intense game of checkers that I've ever played. The hair above my lip isn't the only thing that has grown during this contest. I have a new outlook on life and feel the need to spread the joy of the mustache to everyone I meet. I think I'll be keeping the 'stache indefinitely, it's done wonders for my social life.

Until next year,

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