Saturday, June 7, 2008

Because there's a molester-stache in every one of us...

Greetings from the classic city, where the mustaches are as bountiful as the beautiful women.

The down-low:
Name: Brooks
Craft of choice: Mint-condition perception pirrhouette (because boofin' in a long boat is way better)
Interests: boofin', cycling, and facial hair
Dislikes: People who get in my way in the dining hall at school

I'm bringin' that stanky, in your face mustache pain. I will make Mike Tyson himself cry on bended knee at my feet with the 'stache i've got coming your way. Leave your half-hearted attempts at peach fuzz at the door fella's (and gals) because ima ' bout to let these hair follicles out of their cage...

I aim to make ol' Burt Reynolds proud come the end of may, so game on.

Brooks-Athens, GA

1 comment:

jHo said...

I like this guy...poignant, reflective, Burt Reynolds referencing...and completely lame!

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