Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I'm gonna Rock your World!

I've always looked to up great men such as Bo Darville (The Bandit) and Magnum P.I. These men were true legends when it came to rocking the stache. With this contest my fellow competitors and I will go through a life changing process. Our lip hair will grow and our friends and family will be forever changed for they to will see the power and greatness of the mustache.

My name is Paul Hubbard from Southeast TN. This will be my 8th year as a guide on the Ocoee and my 13th year of kayaking. I respect my fellow competitors, but they should know That I am The Mustache king


Unknown said...

Those you should really look up to reside in the walls of the American Mustache Institute (www.AmericanMustacheInstitute.org). God be with you and your labia sebucula (Latin for "lip sweater").

jHo said...

Ok, so this guy obviously took this photo himself, due to the horrendous camera angle. This leads me to believe that this man has no friends.....and that makes me strangely warm and fuzzy inside.

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