Sunday, June 22, 2008

Signal Every 10 Seconds

Yup it's foggy, and the fog horn has been the most recent background noise for my life. So I decided it would be a good idea to ship the camera off to get repaired which leaves me in a fix myself. But I have a little camera which works everyone in a while. Now that almost all the boats are in or near the water for the summer I can go play.

The fog went out this morning so I got to paddled over to the hospital.

Mustache King 2

The small camera won't focus on the blond mustache. People have started to suggest that I might need a coloring product of some sort. Whatever it's enough to notice across the room. It'll be fun meeting my campers parents tomorrow and saying "Ya I'm the guy who is going to take your kids out of state so that they can go play in the woods."

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